Rabu, 27 Februari 2013


Assalamualaikum wr.wb
Dear Mom Min as English teacher, and all my friends that I love.
First of all, let us praise thanks to Allah SWT who has given his grace so that we can gather here in good health. Shalawat and greetings do not forget our great king bestowed upon Prophet Muhammad SAW who has guided us from the dark ages into the light period like the present.
On this occasion, I would like to convey to the audience here on "attitude in the era of globalization '.

As we know, today our world is in the era of globalization. Globalization is the process by which events, decisions, and action parts of the world that one can carry important consequences for many people in the world. The process of globalization can not be avoided. Like it or not, ready or not ready, the process of globalization is taking place and affect all people in the world. people who support globalization, wants the process of globalization continues. Because they see the positive side of globalization that considers globalization as a process that brings people towards a better living arrangement. Meanwhile, the anti-globalization people see globalization as a threat, wants the globalization process laid back because not all residents can enjoy the world of globalization.
Ladies and gentlemen
Globalization has influenced the lives of us all. Therefore, we must be able to address the adverse impacts. Accelerating the flow of information and technology will accelerate globalization also brings extensive influence especially behavioral change in a variety of ways because of globalization memeliki positive and negative impacts. Globalization has many aspects that affect the world, such as in industry, finance, economics, politics, technology, and socio-cultural. If our country wants to survive in the era of globalization, we must we selectively carefully considering the positive and negative impacts.
The era of globalization is challenging era. The challenge will be a strong influence of western culture and the competition is high. If we are able to face the challenge that we will survive this era of globalization. So, we must fortify themselves well so that it can distinguish between good and bad influences and being selective in selecting the impacts of globalization.
So from my speech, I hope what I said can benefit us all. I hope with this globalization everyone can take positive values​​. Thank you for all the attention. Weakness and strength, sorry.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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